Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Unit 8 Reading Response

Wowza, I didn’t know so much went into the design of a mobile application. Olson really went through every detail of brainstorming and how he put the Languages application together. I, personally, don’t want to be an app designer, but it’s fun to do sometimes. To be completely honest, I’m scared! I would hate to fail so miserably creating an app that I spent so much time on. It is truly just solving the problems that users encounter, which can be hard to think of. The way Olson grew from zero to programmer is amazing, his passion was really there to make this app happen. I suppose that’s really what is needed to be successful. His marketing was clever, journalists, making connections with people who would buy the app, just really building a fan base from the get go, before the app even launched. I learned that meeting all the needs comes first, then making the interface comes next. From what I learned, the most important things are passion, usability, marketing tactics, creating a fan base, and connections to people in the industry. It paid off for Jeremy Olson, it could pay off for me, too!

Here are some links to some effective reference applications from the iTunes App store:

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